Garden Day

One of the most important days of our school’s calendar took place on the 6th of June. Garden Day is always a day we look forward to. In advance, everybody pulled together to prepare for the day. The Sixth classes researched and prepared their projects and helped in the garden. Our parent volunteers put in extra hours to help make sure the garden looked spectacular. 

The school staff also all made sure the school looked its best for the day. A special credit must be given to Ms. Kelly who painted a mural with students of fairy doors and to Mr. Spain whose class painted and decorated garden signage and furniture.  

The day was a great success and it was wonderful to see parents, past parents, past staff members, past students and other guests. The day was full of singing, music, dance and trips to the garden. The cake sale was  a delicious success and enjoyed by all. The stall by members of the Chinese community was also a wonderful treat.

A huge thank you to all those who volunteered to make the day a memorable one for all!