January Update

New Year

We welcomed the New Year at St. Brigid’s and were busy with artwork to celebrate 2023 and made some resolutions for the year ahead. 

A Huge Thank You to the Parents' Association

We were all delighted to be called to a very special assembly early in January. We found out that the Parents’ Association raised €14,400 at the Christmas Fun Day for our school! This money is always greatly appreciated and the money is spent directly on the girls. 

Lunar New Year

The Lunar New Year fell during January. Different classes celebrated it and learned all about countries where it is celebrated. They also learned about the various customs associated with the festival. 

National Children's Choir

The National Children’s Choir launched their 2023 programme in St. Mary’s NS, Donnybrook. Ms. Gillan brought a number of choir members to mark this important event. Over 7,500 children from around the country will sing at various concerts in May culminating with three dates in the National Concert Hall. The launch was filmed and reported in RTE’s News2day.

Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week was marked in different ways across the school. The theme was ‘Walking Together in Faith and Love’

Artwork Across the School

Science in 1st Class - Heating & Cooling

Science in 4th Class - Egg Drop