June Update

As the end of another school year came around, we had many treats to end the term on a high! Artwork Before she left, Ms. Gillan commissioned Rebecca Healy in 6th Class to create a piece of artwork which would be on display for years to come. Her beautiful artwork is on display at the main entrance and has been admired by all who have seen it.   School Tours Ice Cream Van The Griffin family treated the school to an …

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Garden Day

One of the most important days of our school’s calendar took place on the 6th of June. Garden Day is always a day we look forward to. In advance, everybody pulled together to prepare for the day. The Sixth classes researched and prepared their projects and helped in the garden. Our parent volunteers put in extra hours to help make sure the garden looked spectacular.  The school staff also all made sure the school looked its best for the day. …

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