May Update

Garden With the weather improving through the month of May, the girls were able to enjoy the school garden in the warmer weather. The 6th classes brought the Junior Infants down to the garden to show them what wonders are down there. The 6th classes also planted some flowers in pots and read their class novels in the sunshine.  Soccer Team After an amazing first season, the school’s soccer team reached the semi-finals. They had a great match but unfortunately …

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The school identified that a ‘Zen Zone’ is required for children to relax and regulate their sensory needs. To do this, the girls were asked to fundraise to provide this calm and safe space.  Teachers organised a dance-a-thon for Friday, the 3rd of May. The girls each received a sponsorship card and we were all overwhelmed at how much money was collected! The girls wowed us all by collecting an amazing €14,346! We were also delighted with a donation of …

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Creative Cluster Showcase

‘Creative Clusters’ is a Department of Education funded initiative which brings neighboring schools together to bolster creativity in students over two years.  We were delighted to be chosen and were joined with St. Joseph of Cluny & The Harold School. Niamh, our resident artist helped the girls in 6th classes to discover shadow puppets and how to make them. Once the wonderful puppets were made, the girls filmed a shadow puppet show. This culminated in a showcase day in Cluny …

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